Responsible Sourcing Policy

Gift Universe is a responsible manufacturer and retailer, our responsible sourcing statement outlines Gift Universe’s requirements to ensure our suppliers are acting against environmental and human rights violations.


You can read our Responsible Sourcing Policy below

Gift Universe is a responsible manufacturer and retailer, this responsible sourcing statement will outline Gift 
Universe’s requirements to ensure our suppliers are acting against environmental and human rights violations.

Gift Universe 是一家负责任的制造商和零售商,这份负责任的采购声明将概述 Gift Universe 的要求,以

Gift Universe Modern Slavery Policy
Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of the human rights of vulnerable workers. It can 
take various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. The 
Company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with 
integrity and transparency in all its business dealings and relationships. By implementing and enforcing 
effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place 
anywhere within either its own business or in any of its supply chains, consistent with its obligations under the 
Modern Slavery Act 2015. This policy applies to all individuals working for the Company or on the Company’s 
behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, volunteers, agents, 
contractors, consultants, and business partners.

Our business approach reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business 
relationships and to implementing processes, policies and controls that seek to eliminate slavery and human 
trafficking in our supply chains. To ensure modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chains, we 
have a number of procedures in place.


Gift Universe Whistleblowing Procedure
We encourage all suppliers to report any concerns or queries regarding modern slavery or ethics within our 
supply chain to us for review. The Company aims to encourage openness and will support anyone who raises 
genuine concerns in good faith under this policy, even if they turn out to be mistaken. 

The Company is committed to ensuring no one suffers any detrimental treatment or victimisation as a result of 
reporting in good faith their suspicion that modern slavery is or may be taking place in any part of its business 
or in any of its supply chains. You are encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern 
slavery in any part of the Company’s business or supply chains as soon as possible. 

If you are unsure about whether a particular act, the treatment of workers or their working conditions within 
any part of the Company’s supply chains constitutes any of the various forms of modern slavery or if you 
suspect a breach of or conflict with this policy has occurred or may occur, you can also contact the Modern 
Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 for further information and guidance on modern slavery or report a case on 
this website



突,你提高你的部门经理。你也可以联系政府的现代奴隶制热线0800 0121 700,以获得更多的信息和指


Gift Universe Ethical Trading Incentive (ETI) Base Code Adherence Procedure
All suppliers are expected to comply with the ETI base code as is noted in our Supplier Manual. The ETI base 
code is an internationally recognised code of labour practice that outlines that all workers should have:

正如我们的供应商手册中所述,所有供应商都应遵守 ETI 基本规范。 ETI 基本守则是国际公认的劳动实

- Freely chosen employment - 自由选择就业
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining - 结社自由和集体谈判权
- Safe and hygienic working conditions - 安全卫生的工作条件
- No child labour - 没有童工
- Living wages paid - 支付生活工资
- Working hours that are not excessive - 工作时间不过长
- No discrimination - 没有歧视
- Regular employment provided - 提供正规就业
- No harsh or inhumane treatment - 没有苛刻或不人道的待遇
The ETI base code can be found at
ETI 基本代码可以在以下位置找到

Gift Universe require all suppliers to complete our ethical self-assessment questionnaire that mirrors the ETI 
base code. This allows us to monitor whether our suppliers’ policies and processes align with our 

If for any reason we receive an ethical self-assessment questionnaire that is not satisfactory, a series of 
questions and suggested improvements would be issued to the supplier. The supplier would then need to 
explain how their policies and processes consider the ETI base code to ensure they provide safe and fair 
working conditions for their employees. Based on the response, we would assess whether the supplier policies 
meet our requirements and whether we would continue to work with them. 

Gift Universe 要求所有供应商完成反映 ETI 基本代码的道德自我评估问卷。这使我们能够监控供应商的
进建议。然后,供应商需要解释他们的政策和流程如何考虑 ETI 基本准则,以确保他们为员工提供安全

Gift Universe Factory Visit Procedure
To continue to build strong relationships a member of our UK compliance department will visit factories on a
regular basis to ensure they meet our standards. A member of our Far East compliance department will 
regularly visit our Southern Chinese suppliers to inspect our shipments and will also report any ethical 
concerns they may have. It is expected that should any concerns be raised; our suppliers will immediately 
resolve the issues and provide evidence of the improvements made to their processes to ensure these nonconformances are not repeated.


Gift Universe Third Party Ethical Audit Procedure
Suppliers of Gift Universe are required to hold an up to date third party ethical audit. The information 
collected is used to establish whether these factories meet Gift Universe’s requirements. 
The nature and frequency of the below non-conformance issues raise concerns for us as they could be 
potential indicators of modern slavery:

Gift Universe 的供应商必须进行最新的第三方道德审计。收集的信息用于破译这些工厂是否符合 Gift 
Universe 的要求。

- Retaining ID documents - 保留身份证件
- Excessive working hours - 工作时间不过长
- Child Labour - 童工
- Poor living conditions in dorm rooms - 宿舍生活条件差
- Lack of worker representation - 缺乏工人代表
- Unfair deductions from wages and contracts - 工资和合同中的不公平扣除
If more than 1 of the above non-conformance issues are present on an ethical audit, we will work with the 
supplier to improve and request an urgent Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
The expectations detailed in this responsible sourcing statement are applicable to all suppliers, including 
branded and non-branded products in all countries. Suppliers are expected to review, implement, and keep 
record of the processes that ensure compliance with the various policies mentioned in the above and any local 

如果在道德审核中存在超过 1 项上述不符合项,我们将与供应商合作改进并要求紧急 CAP。

It is a last resort to terminate a business relationship with our suppliers, as our aim is to improve the lives of 
the workers that manufacture our products, which we are unable to do if we stop working with our suppliers.
However, in line with our moral commitments, we will not hesitate to terminate a business relationship with a 
supplier if we receive resistance from the factories to provide safe and fair working conditions for their 
employees. It should also be noted that if child labour is found to present in any factory, we will immediately 
terminate all dealings with the factory.


Gift Universe Environmental Ethics
Gift Universe Group are committed to significantly reducing our impact on the environment. To make this 
commitment quantifiable we have set a list of targets to measure ourselves and our suppliers against: 

Gift Universe Group 致力于显着减少我们对环境的影响。为了使这一承诺可量化,我们制定了一系列目

• To be carbon neutral by 2030. • 到2030 年实现碳中和。
• To remove all plastic and polystyrene packaging on own brand products by end of 2023. • 到 2023 年底
• To ensure all packaging on own brand products is fully recyclable by 2025. • 确保到 2025 年,自有品牌

We expect our suppliers to support our sustainability targets by adhering to the above targets, reducing the 
use of plastic packaging used in our items, increasing the use of recycled material used in our products and 
packaging, reducing waste, and continuously improving the materials and processes used when manufacturing 
products to be more sustainable.


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Gift Universe 
modern slavery and human trafficking statement. This declaration is to be signed by a company director to 
confirm they agree and understand the requirements set out in this declaration.
